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The current situation of HRDs in Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and Sudan

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The Chairperson of the EHAHRD-Net undertook an advocacy mission to Washington in June 2008 in order to raise awareness of the current plight of HRDs in Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya and Sudan amongst get decision-makers notably in the State Department and Congress. The mission also sought to ensure that human rights are placed at the heart of future responses to the crises in the region.

EHAHRDP also hoped to encourage key stakeholders to use their influence to push for an end to impunity in the Horn of Africa and for the establishment of independent and impartial accountability mechanisms.  A series of events were organised during the visit notably a roundtable, hosted by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and Freedom House, which sought to discuss the issue of impunity in the region and was attended by over 60 individuals from key NGOs and government agencies.