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Civicus Monitor

The CIVICUS Monitor is a cutting edge research tool built by civil society. It aims to share reliable, up-to-date data on the state of civil society freedoms in all countries. The interactive  map allows you to access live updates from civil society in East and Horn of Africa, track threats to civil society and learn about the ways in which our right to participate is being realised or challenged.

The CIVICUS Monitor will offer:

  • Ratings of the state of civic space in every country of the world, based on several sources of constantly-updated data.
  • News of latest developments in each country, no matter how big or small.
  • Updates that reflect the voices of local people and civil society organisations.
  • Analysis that takes into account the vast differences between country contexts.
  • Information and news that is credible and has undergone a thorough verification process.
  • Comparisons between countries and across time.

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