Apply Now: DATA4CHAN.GE Data Skills Workshop

DefendDefenders and Small Media are teaming up to bring DATA4CHAN.GE to East Africa! After two years of being run for human rights organisations in the Middle East, the DATA4CHAN.GE program brings a unique opportunity for East African civil society to supercharge their advocacy using data, design, technology, and visualisation.

We will be holding two workshops in Uganda, the first being a data skills workshop for human rights organisations based in the region. This workshop will be held in Kampala on the 14th and 15th of June, and we’re looking for some superstars and some rising stars to join us for 2 days of cleaning, structuring, analysing, and visualising data. DATA4CHAN.GE will pay travel and accommodation expenses for all successful applicants.

The organisations that participate in this data skills workshop will have the chance to be invited to the main DATA4CHAN.GE workshop in September and could see their campaign ideas developed into a digital advocacy platform.

Competition to attend the workshops is fierce, and we expect this to be no different, so make sure you fill in the form with as much passion as you do information, to make your application stand out from the crowd. The deadline for applications is 28 April 2017.

What are we looking for?

We’re looking for human rights organisations based in Uganda, Tanzania, or Kenya that are working on increasing the visibility of marginalised groups in their communities by using documentation and data.
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Examples include: Sexual orientation and gender identity, women facing exploitation, violence and/or abuse, and indigenous people and ethnic minority groups. If you work with a different community, you can still apply, but it might be worth contacting us first to find out if you’re a fit.

What skills do you need?

Ultimately, you don’t need any special skills, but we’d like to know if you have any experience working with data so that we can tailor the workshop curriculum to suit our selected applicants. Above all else, your organisation just needs to be committed to using data to enhance your advocacy strategy, and we’ll support you with training to get the skills you need to do just that.

How do I apply?

Fill out the online application form before the deadline of April 28th 2017.