Call for applications: Creating a culture of safety for journalists in East Africa

DefendDefenders (the East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders, together with ACOS Alliance (A Culture of Safety Alliance), is planning a training for journalists in the East Africa. “Creating a Culture of Safety for Journalists in East Africa: Safety Training” is scheduled to be held from 11 to 13 October 2017 in Kampala, Uganda.

The three-day course will be conducted by Oakleaf Worldwide, a course provider with experience in training journalists in the sub-region. The course is being funded by Reuters and the ACOS Alliance. Selected participants will be granted a bursary that covers the course fees, accommodation, food for the duration of the program, and travel to Kampala.

To be considered for this programme you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a journalist, with a preference for freelancers working for one or more news organisations;
  • Faced risks because of your journalism work;
  • Working on assignments considered sensitive or dangerous;
  • Submit at least one recent piece of work on the above;
  • Be an ethical and professional journalist, preferably with at least two years of experience.

To apply, please download and complete this form and send it to [email protected]  by 25 September 2017.

In preparation to the course, DefendDefenders & ACOS seek to develop a better understanding of your current threats and safety challenges in order for the training to reflect your needs and expectations. The information requested in this questionnaire allows us to incorporate your ideas and experiences into the training. Please make sure you answer all the questions on the application form.