Celebrate International Women Human Rights Defenders Day – Share Your Experience

Today, 29th November, is International Women Human Rights Defenders’ Day. In recognition of the particular risks that women defenders face in carrying out their work and the fundamental importance of understanding the gender dimension of their experience, the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders in Africa is seeking input for a report on the situation of women defenders in Africa and their protection needs. The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights tasked the Special Rapporteur with carrying out this study in a resolution passed last month.

If you are a woman activist working alone or in association with others to promote and protect human rights, and/or you’re someone who works on women’s rights or sexual rights, including issues related to sexual orientation or gender identity, then your feedback is vital. Please take some time to fill in the questionnaire (in English, French, Arabic or Portuguese) and encourage other WHRDs in your networks to do so too. The deadline for submissions is 31 December 2012.

WHRD Questionnare Portugais 131112

WHRD Questionnaire_Arabic 131112

WHRD Questionnaire_English 131112


Lettre aux Réseaux

Résolution sur la nécessité d’une étude sur la situation des femmes défenseurs des droits de l’homme en Afrique

Resolution on the need for the study on the situation of women human rights defenders in Africa

Letter to Networks