Hello Friends, In our efforts to address the protection needs
Hello Friends, Since 2007, DefendDefenders has been supporting the establishment
Hello friends, The suppression of the rights to freedom of
By extending the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on Eritrea,
Hello friends, The right to peaceful assembly facilitates the exercise
Oral statements delivered during the 56th session of the UN
Hello friends, The human rights situation on the continent continues
Ahead of the UN Human Rights Council’s 56th session (HRC56,
Hello friends, This month marked one year since the dreadful
Arie Towers
Plot 16, Mackinnon Road
Nakasero P.O. Box 70356,
Kampala, Uganda
General Phone Line:
+256-200-760-700 (General)
24/7 Emergency Phone Line: +256 707 020086