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HRC34: Interactive Dialogue with the Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan

Human Rights Council: 34th Session
Item 4: ID with the Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan

Oral Intervention
Delivered by Ms. Veronica Almedom       

Thank you Mr. President.

On behalf of the East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project and 14 South Sudanese civil society organisations, I would like to thank the Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan for their report.
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Mr. President, we are shocked by the Commission’s findings that civilians continue to be deliberately and systematically targeted through horrific and violent attacks on the basis of their ethnicity by armed forces and groups, including SPLA and SPLM/A in Opposition.
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We are also extremely concerned with the continued arbitrary arrests, detentions, and torture of individuals expressing criticism of the Government, including civil society actors.
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Journalists have come under direct attack from State security agencies, and many have been forced to flee the country.

Mr. President, pending the establishment of the Hybrid Court, investigating on-going crimes under international law and human rights violations remains a priority to ensure collection and preservation of evidence and successful prosecutions. It is critical for the Government of South Sudan to renew publicly its commitment to the implementation of the Peace Agreement, including Chapter V, and to cooperate with the African Union for the speedy establishment of the Court.

We urge the Council to renew and strengthen the mandate of the Commission to include the conduct of independent investigations into violations of international human rights and humanitarian law, the collection and preservation of evidence and the identification of alleged perpetrators, with a particular focus on sexual and gender-based crimes and attacks or reprisals against human rights defenders.

  • Africa Humanitarian Organization (AHO)
  • Community Empowerment for Progress Organisation (CEPO)
  • DefendDefenders (East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project)
  • Global for Humanity Organization (GOA)
  • Good hearted Orphans Disabled Organization (GODO)
  • International Youth for Africa (IYA)
  • Nile Centre for Human Rights (NCHR)
  • Nuer Women for Peace and Development (NWPD)
  • South Sudan Association for Public Administration. (SSAPA)
  • South Sudan Christian Community Agency (SSCCA)
  • South Sudan Christian International Fund for Refugee (SSCIFR)
  • South Sudan Human Rights Defenders’ Network (SSHRDN)
  • Women Monthly Forum (WMF)
  • Women Organization Conflict Resolution in South Sudan (WOCRSS)
  • Community Empowerment for Rehabilitation and Development  (CEFoRD)