Social Media Management using HootSuite

Social media has created an unprecedented opportunity for brands. Today, your organisation can engage directly with customers and the benefits of doing so include uncovering valuable insights about your partners and how they view your services and brand, handling complaints swiftly and developing a stronger value proposition by putting your brand out there, and showing donors and partners you care. 

Together, these benefits also help socially active brands build better solutions. 

With so many networks for organisations to manage, it’s no doubt Social Media Management tools have become so popular and relied upon by many companies today. 

If you manage the updates for your organisations’ social networks, it’s highly likely that you will have heard of Hootsuite. 

One of the most compelling reasons organisations use Hootsuite is the fact that it allows you to manage so many different social networks for example Twitter, Facebook Pages, Linkedin Pages, Instagram, WordPress blogs, Vimeo, Tumblr, Evernote, and MailChimp. 

Hootsuite allows you to delegate responses to different team members. For example, if you receive 20 mentions in one day, the administrator can delegate each one to a different team member. When a team member is logged in, they’ll see which tasks have been allocated to them and not make the mistake of responding to a status that has already been replied to. 

Another useful tool is Hootsuite’s messaging feature which allows team members to send private messages to each other. This is particularly useful if your team members are located outside of the office or when they work from home. 

If you solely or mainly use Hootsuite to manage your social networks, then you will find the weekly analytics report very useful. Each week, Hootsuite sends you an email with a pdf attachment of your click summaries. It will include you graphs showing number of clicksperday, geographical information on the people clicking through, top referrers, and most popular links. The good news is that this is free for all users and can be useful to give you a brief overview as to how you are doing on a weekly basis. 

Hootsuite allows you to post a quick update (for example) to multiple Twitter accounts, Facebook profile and page, LinkedIn profile, company page, groups and more! This can be incredibly useful if you need to get a message out to your customers in an emergency.  

The scheduling features (using the new Hootlet feature) can be a very welcome time-saver, and these also allow you to post to multiple networks at once. 

Dont be left behind!😎. Use Hootsuite to scale up your social media campaigns. Click Here to Sign up for HootSuite