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UN system and Human Rights Council

Intervention orale sur l’Examen Periodique Universel de Djibouti au Conseil des droits de l’homme

Dans une intervention orale prononcée au Conseil des droits de l’homme, EHAHRDP et la Ligue Djiboutienne des droits humains expriment leurs préoccupations au sujet des violations répétées des droits humains à Djibouti, particulièrement les libertés publiques, la ratification des instruments internationaux et la mise en œuvre des engagements pris par l’Etat. Dans cette optique, nos organisations exigent de Djibouti de se conformer aux engagements pris lors de son examen.

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UN: Noncompetitive Elections Weaken Rights Council

Limited competition in elections for the United Nations Human Rights Council undermines membership standards set for the body by the UN General Assembly, Human Rights Watch, FORUM-ASIA, and the East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project said today. Although the General Assembly elected 18 countries to the Human Rights Council on November 12, 2012, only three faced challengers in their bids for a seat.

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Open Letter to Candidates to the UN Human Rights Council

Excellencies, We are a diverse group of nongovernmental organisations from all parts of the world who have contributed to the Human Rights Council (the Council) and its work since its establishment. We write to you regarding your candidacies for membership of the Council.

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Text of Intervention: Panel discussion on the issue of intimidation or reprisal against individuals and groups who cooperate or have cooperated with the UN, its representatives and mechanisms in the field of human rights

A number of cases of reprisals against HRDs in the East and Horn of Africa sub-region have been reported by the Secretary-General. The details are available in the Secretary-General’s reports, but in summary these have taken the form of physical attacks, killings, arbitrary and incommunicado detention, torture and ill-treatment, death threats and media smear campaigns against organizations and individuals. Individuals have even been charged with “working with international organizations hostile to [the country]”.

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