Intervention orale sur l’Examen Periodique Universel de Djibouti au Conseil des droits de l’homme

Dans une intervention orale prononcée au Conseil des droits de l’homme, EHAHRDP et la Ligue Djiboutienne des droits humains expriment leurs préoccupations au sujet des violations répétées des droits humains à Djibouti, particulièrement les libertés publiques, la ratification des instruments internationaux et la mise en œuvre des engagements pris par l’Etat. Dans cette optique, nos organisations exigent de Djibouti de se conformer aux engagements pris lors de son examen.

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Joint Letter: African States Should Act on Human Rights in Sudan

In a joint letter, twenty four African civil society organisations urge members of the African Group to ensure that serious and widespread violations of international human rights and humanitarian law in Sudan are adequately addressed by the UN Human Rights Council during its 24th session.

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BLOG: Hassan Shire Sheikh, Somali-Canadian pan-African human rights defender

(Geneva, 30 August 2013) – Hassan Shire Sheikh is a Somali-Canadian Pan-African human rights defender and the elected chairperson of the East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Network (EHAHRDN). Hassan’s commitment and passion for human rights can be traced back to his early years growing up in Mogadishu, Somalia. In 2001, Hassan was forced to flee his home country and to seek asylum in Canada where he continued advocating for an end to the culture of impunity by demanding justice for victims of human rights violations.

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