Interactive Dialogue between Protection Stakeholders and HRDs in Exile in Uganda
1. On 12 September 2019, DefendDefenders (the East and
1. On 12 September 2019, DefendDefenders (the East and
Oral statements delivered by DefendDefenders at the 42nd session of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC42, 9-27 September 2019).
64th Ordinary session of the African Commission on Human and
Dear Excellencies, We, the undersigned Sudanese, African and international organisations
The Pan-Africa Human Rights Defenders Network (PAHRDN) and the undersigned
As the UN’s main human rights body, the Human Rights
29 November 2018 – Today, DefendDefenders, with 11 other civil society
Kampala, 28 November, 2018 – Yesterday, the appeal hearing of
Statement to the 63rd session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights – Item 3.
Arie Towers
Plot 16, Mackinnon Road
Nakasero P.O. Box 70356,
Kampala, Uganda
General Phone Line:
+256-200-760-700 (General)
24/7 Emergency Phone Line: +256 707 020086