International Human Rights Defenders Day: Wellbeing of HRDs at the heart of our work
On the International Human Rights Defenders Day, DefendDefenders (the East
On the International Human Rights Defenders Day, DefendDefenders (the East
In October, DefendDefenders travelled to the Gambia, accompanied by human
Statement read by EHAHRD-Net Chairperson Vital Nshimirimama
In its bi-annual report to the African Commission on Human
Highlights from our advocacy efforts at the 36th session of the UN Human Rights Council
In a report submitted ahead of Djibouti’s May 2018 examination
Human Rights Council: 36th Session Item 10: Interactive Dialogue with
22 CSO voice their extreme concern over the humanitarian and human rights situation in Sudan.
Human Rights Council: 36th Session Item 4: General Debate –
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