Eritrea: maintain Human Rights Council scrutiny and engagement
In a letter released today, DefendDefenders and partners call on
In a letter released today, DefendDefenders and partners call on
In its bi-annual report to the African Commission on Human
DefendDefenders welcomes the adoption of a resolution on Eritrea today at the UN Human Rights Council (“Council”). While making clear that diplomatic progress in the Horn of Africa has not translated into domestic human rights progress in Eritrea, the Council offers a way forward for human rights reforms in the country by streamlining its approach and providing the Eritrean government with an opportunity to engage.
In a joint letter released today, DefendDefenders and partner NGOs call
In a paper released today, DefendDefenders calls on the UN
Statement to the 63rd session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights – Item 3.
In its bi-annual report to the African Commission on Human
“The government should know that because of its election, its behaviour will be more, not less, scrutinised.”
The UN Human Rights Council (“the Council”) showed its resolve to address the crimes committed in Eritrea by extending the mandate of its top expert on the country today. A new Special Rapporteur on Eritrea will soon succeed Ms. Sheila Keetharuth, who has served for six years on the position and played a key role in shining a light on the country’s human rights record, which remains one of the most abysmal in the world.
UN Human Rights Council – 38th regular session Item 4:
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