
UNHRC Special Session on South Sudan: now is the time to act

Thank you Mr President.

The East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project welcomes this Special Session and the Commission’s work to provide much-needed scrutiny of the Government of South Sudan and armed actors’ intolerable human rights violations. By speaking out about a looming catastrophe, orchestrated ethnic cleansing, and the very real possibility of further mass atrocities they have sounded the alarm […]

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Sudan: Human rights defenders detained and facing spurious criminal proceedings

We, the undersigned African and international non-governmental organizations, are writing to bring to your attention in your capacities as Special Procedure mandate holders worrying developments concerning the detention and trial of ten human rights defenders in Sudan. We urge you to call on the Government of Sudan to immediately and unconditionally drop all charges against ten staff members and affiliates of the Centre for Training and Human Development (TRACKs), an organization which provides training on a range of issues from IT to human rights, in two overlapping cases that include crimes against the state. Crimes against the state charges carry the death penalty […]

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Egypt: Draft NGO law dismantles civil society

60 organisations call on the Egyptian government to cease silencing civil society, and to allow NGOs to conduct their mandates within Egypt’s constitutional framework and in full respect of its international legal commitments to freedom of association.

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