Burundi: The Human Rights Council should continue its scrutiny and pursue its work towards justice and accountability
In a joint letter released ahead of the UN Human Rights
In a joint letter released ahead of the UN Human Rights
Burundian authorities should immediately and unconditionally release lawyer Tony Germain
Today, Floribert Chebeya Resource Centre re-opens its doors after being closed for 12
Chantal Mutamuriza does not wait for problems to be solved. When the Burundian woman human rights defender (WHRD) encounters a problem, she will seek a solution there and then. When hundreds of thousands Burundians had to flee from political unrest in 2015, many of them were stranded in refugee camps with little economic opportunity or access to education. In her problem-solving spirit, Chantal felt compelled to act: she quit her job to put her skills and network to use and founded the NGO Light For All.
In the absence of concrete progress on Burundi’s human rights
After the sudden passing of President Nkurunziza of Burundi, General
Joint Statement On 8 March the world celebrated International Women’s
February was a hectic month for DefendDefenders with many progressive endeavours. As we continued to monitor the situation for human rights defenders (HRDs) in the East and Horn of Africa sub-region, we particularly followed the progressive, yet fragile, developments in South Sudan.
Oral statements delivered by DefendDefenders at the 43rd session of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC43).
DefendDefenders joins civil society organisations in calling on the UN Human Rights Council to renew the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on human rights defenders.
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