Sudan is not business as usual, the UN repeats
By adopting a new resolution on Sudan today, the United
By adopting a new resolution on Sudan today, the United
In late May this year, Agather Atuhaire, via her twitter account, broke the story that the Parliament of Uganda had spent a whopping Shs. 2.8billion to purchase two luxury vehicles for the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker.
Aside from the fact that the expenditure was unnecessary – both the Speaker and her Deputy already have two luxury vehicles for their official duties, the purchase flouted all public procurement procedures, and when Parliament’s contracts committee could not approve the procurement, the members of the committee were fired and new ones immediately appointed to approve the purchase.
Dear Colleagues, Greetings from DefendDefenders (East and Horn of Africa
Call for applications for human rights defenders from Uganda, Kenya,
Oral statements delivered during the 50th session of the UN
DefendDefenders call for applications – Safe Sisters Fellowship Call for applications for
Dear friends, Welcome to yet another edition of our newsletter.
In Ghana, Esther Tawiah is one of the loudest voices for women empowerment and gender. It is also why she is one of the most loathed. Born and raised in New-Tafo in the country’s eastern region, Esther grew up surrounded by a culture that frowned at the idea of women participating in public affairs, and witnessed firsthand, the backlash those who dared to challenge that cultural norm faced.
As human rights violations continue with impunity in Eritrea, authorities
Following the military coup of 25 October 2021, the UN
Arie Towers
Plot 16, Mackinnon Road
Nakasero P.O. Box 70356,
Kampala, Uganda
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