
Submission on Eritrea for Universal Periodic Review

Eritrea’s human rights record will be examined in January 2014, at the 18th session of the Universal Periodic Review by other UN member states. Eritrea will declare what actions it has taken to improve its human rights situation and fulfill its human rights obligations. A review of a State is based on a national report prepared by the State under review; a compilation of United Nations information on the State under review prepared by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR); and a summary of information submitted by other stakeholders (including civil society actors), also prepared by OHCHR.The UPR process provides for the participation of all relevant stakeholders, including non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Civil society actors can submit information which can be added to the “other stakeholders” report which is considered during the review. EHAHRDP submitted this report in June 2013.

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