Sudan: Urgently convene a special session of the Human Rights Council and establish an investigative mechanism
In a letter released today, over 90 Sudanese, African, and
In a letter released today, over 90 Sudanese, African, and
Opinion piece by Hassan Shire, Estella Kabachwezi and Nicolas Agostini
By adopting a new resolution on Sudan today, the United
Following the military coup of 25 October 2021, the UN
In a letter sent to the United Nations (UN) Secretary-General,
The international community should not allow Sudan’s military regime to
The situation of Human Rights Defenders in Sudan
The United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council took a positive
As a lone girl in a traditionally patriarchal & heteronormative Muslim family in Tanzania, Oliver Rubama grew up with so much pressure to conform. She was expected to conform to socially expected patterns of female behavior and dress, and to aspire to get married to a man approved by her family.
Following the 25 October 2021 military coup in Sudan, DefendDefenders
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