Dear friends, March was a busy month at DefendDefenders. We
In personality, Immaculate Nabwire and Daphne Nakabugo could not be more different. Where the former is loud, if free-spirited, and mischievous, the latter is quiet, reticent, and predominantly solitary. Together though, they are the quiet champions behind DefendDefenders’ digital skilling programs, equipping (women) human rights defenders with critically transformative – and sometimes, life-saving digital tools and skills.
“You’ll be surprised how many people out there, including the literate are not exposed to the idea of digital safety. And as technology gets more advanced, it is getting ever more lucrative for hackers and other malign actors, which means that the urgency of the need for digital security skills for everyone cannot be over-stated,” says Daphne.
Dear Friends, First, congratulations upon completing 2022. For those whose
Dear Friends, Dear friends and colleagues, November is that time
Dear Friends, October is usually a busy month for us
Dear Colleagues, Globally, September has been an eventful month, with
Dear Friends, Dear friends, Greetings from DefendDefenders and AfricanDefenders. I
Dear Friends, This month, we concluded a busy and productive
In late May this year, Agather Atuhaire, via her twitter account, broke the story that the Parliament of Uganda had spent a whopping Shs. 2.8billion to purchase two luxury vehicles for the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker.
Aside from the fact that the expenditure was unnecessary – both the Speaker and her Deputy already have two luxury vehicles for their official duties, the purchase flouted all public procurement procedures, and when Parliament’s contracts committee could not approve the procurement, the members of the committee were fired and new ones immediately appointed to approve the purchase.
Arie Towers
Plot 16, Mackinnon Road
Nakasero P.O. Box 70356,
Kampala, Uganda
General Phone Line:
+256-200-760-700 (General)
24/7 Emergency Phone Line: +256 707 020086