
Safeguarding Civil Society

A joint report with contributions from DefendDefenders’ Technology team assesses Internet freedom and the digital resilience of civil society.

Annual Report 2016

Dear friends, colleagues, and fellow human rights defenders, As our battle for the promotion and protection of human rights increasingly shifts towards the digital world, the East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project decided it was time for our online and offline organisational image to get a makeover. In 2016, we adopted DefendDefenders as the organisation’s new name and worked on a new brand and website to reflect the progress the organisation has made in the last 12 years. Throughout 2016, DefendDefenders has

Strengthening the Human Rights Council at 10

This joint civil society paper has been prepared by 20 leading international, national and regional non-governmental organisations, on the occasion of the United Nations Human Rights Council’s 10th Anniversary.Canadian Pharmacy no prescription buy paxil online no prescription The paper provides concrete recommendations for short- and medium-term steps that would enhance the Council’s ability to better fulfil its sinequan online no prescription The impact and achievements of the HRC over the past decade should be measured against its mandate to promote and protect universal human

Annual Report 2015

Dear friends and colleagues, It’s been over ten years since I had to flee my country and found a safe haven in Canada. Forced to leave my native Somalia because of my work, I had to fly halfway around the world, far from my colleagues, family, friends and work to find safety. Today, against the backdrop of the European refugee crisis and the multiple crises, conflicts an crackdowns taking place in the sub-region, it is more important than ever that human rights defenders find a

10 Year Anniversary Publication

On 27th October 2015, the East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project (EHAHRDP) celebrated ten years of defending human right activists throughout the East and Horn of zovirax online no prescription To mark this occasion, EHAHRDP has produced an anniversary publication. Download PDF

New report details shrinking space of civil society during elections in Sudan, Ethiopia, Burundi And Uganda.

Human rights defenders face increasing and worsening restrictions when working during electoral periods, finds a new report published today by the East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project (EHAHRDP). In its new report “Caught Up in Bitter Contests: Human Rights Defenders Working in the Context of Elections in Sudan, Ethiopia, Burundi and Uganda”, EHAHRDP has documented alarming cross-regional trends prior to, during, and after elections. The report details the tactics used by the four states in the region to limit the operating environment

Annual Report 2014

Throughout the year, EHAHRDP has reported on the harassment and intimidation of human rights defenders (HRDs) and journalists, and increasing attempts by state and non-state actors to undermine and disrupt the activities of civil society. We have also seen HRDs who continue to place themselves on the frontline of human rights protection, often at intolerable risks to their own safety. From South Sudan to Burundi to Ethiopia, the operating environment for human rights activism continues to shrink. It is in this context that EHAHRDP, and

Publication: The State of African Human Rights Defenders 2015

(Banjul, The Gambia) A compilation of country studies examining the situation of human rights defenders in Africa has been released today by the Pan-African Human Rights Defenders Network. The State of African Human Rights Defenders 2015 explores challenges, restrictions, and protections on the fundamental freedoms necessary for human rights defenders to operate freely and challenge human rights abuses in their communities. Launched on the sidelines of the 56th Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, the report serves as a call to African states

2015: Burundi at a turning point

DefendDefenders details extensively how the relationship between civil society and Burundian state authorities dramatically deteriorated ahead of the April 2015 Presidential elections.

Au Burundi: Un nouveau rapport détaille les attaques à grande échelle et systématiques contre les défenseurs des droits de l’homme

Les défenseurs des droits de l’homme burundais opèrent dans un des espaces les plus restreints de la région d’Afrique de l’Est, affirme un nouveau rapport publié aujourd’hui par le East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project (EHAHRDP).buy cymbalta online no prescription Le rapport de 56 pages intitulé “2015: Tournant décisif au Burundi” recense une hausse extrêmement inquiétante d’instances de harcèlement, d’intimidation et d’attaques contre les défenseurs des droits de l’homme. Le rapport décrit en détail la détérioration de la relation entre les

South Sudan: New Report Highlights Renewed Government Clampdown on Human Rights Defenders

Throughout 2014, human rights defenders in South Sudan have borne the brunt of a renewed government clampdown, finds a new report published today by the East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project (EHAHRDP). The report, entitled “For Us, Silence is Not an Option: Human Rights Defenders and the South Sudan Civil War”, documents a worsening pattern of harassment, intimidation, threats, and legislative reforms, all targeting South Sudanese human rights defenders. Since December 15th 2013, South Sudan has been engulfed by a humanitarian and

South Sudan: Report Highlights Persistent Pattern of Attacks against Human Rights Defenders

Human rights defenders in South Sudan are facing increasingly grave risks in undertaking human rights monitoring and reporting, finds a new report published today by the East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project (EHAHRDP). The report, entitled “Change will not come until we talk about reality: The Closing Space for Human Rights Defenders in South Sudan, documents a pattern of harassment, intimidation, threats, and serious physical attacks against South Sudanese human rights defenders. The report is being launched today in Juba, South Sudan,

Safeguarding Civil Society

A joint report with contributions from DefendDefenders’ Technology team assesses Internet freedom and the digital resilience of civil society.

Annual Report 2016

Dear friends, colleagues, and fellow human rights defenders, As our battle for the promotion and protection of human rights increasingly shifts towards the digital world, the East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project decided it was time for our online and offline organisational image to get a makeover. In 2016, we adopted DefendDefenders as the organisation’s new name and worked on a new brand and website to reflect the progress the organisation has made in the last 12 years. Throughout 2016, DefendDefenders has

Strengthening the Human Rights Council at 10

This joint civil society paper has been prepared by 20 leading international, national and regional non-governmental organisations, on the occasion of the United Nations Human Rights Council’s 10th Anniversary.Canadian Pharmacy no prescription buy paxil online no prescription The paper provides concrete recommendations for short- and medium-term steps that would enhance the Council’s ability to better fulfil its sinequan online no prescription The impact and achievements of the HRC over the past decade should be measured against its mandate to promote and protect universal human

Annual Report 2015

Dear friends and colleagues, It’s been over ten years since I had to flee my country and found a safe haven in Canada. Forced to leave my native Somalia because of my work, I had to fly halfway around the world, far from my colleagues, family, friends and work to find safety. Today, against the backdrop of the European refugee crisis and the multiple crises, conflicts an crackdowns taking place in the sub-region, it is more important than ever that human rights defenders find a

10 Year Anniversary Publication

On 27th October 2015, the East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project (EHAHRDP) celebrated ten years of defending human right activists throughout the East and Horn of zovirax online no prescription To mark this occasion, EHAHRDP has produced an anniversary publication. Download PDF

New report details shrinking space of civil society during elections in Sudan, Ethiopia, Burundi And Uganda.

Human rights defenders face increasing and worsening restrictions when working during electoral periods, finds a new report published today by the East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project (EHAHRDP). In its new report “Caught Up in Bitter Contests: Human Rights Defenders Working in the Context of Elections in Sudan, Ethiopia, Burundi and Uganda”, EHAHRDP has documented alarming cross-regional trends prior to, during, and after elections. The report details the tactics used by the four states in the region to limit the operating environment

Annual Report 2014

Throughout the year, EHAHRDP has reported on the harassment and intimidation of human rights defenders (HRDs) and journalists, and increasing attempts by state and non-state actors to undermine and disrupt the activities of civil society. We have also seen HRDs who continue to place themselves on the frontline of human rights protection, often at intolerable risks to their own safety. From South Sudan to Burundi to Ethiopia, the operating environment for human rights activism continues to shrink. It is in this context that EHAHRDP, and

Publication: The State of African Human Rights Defenders 2015

(Banjul, The Gambia) A compilation of country studies examining the situation of human rights defenders in Africa has been released today by the Pan-African Human Rights Defenders Network. The State of African Human Rights Defenders 2015 explores challenges, restrictions, and protections on the fundamental freedoms necessary for human rights defenders to operate freely and challenge human rights abuses in their communities. Launched on the sidelines of the 56th Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, the report serves as a call to African states

2015: Burundi at a turning point

DefendDefenders details extensively how the relationship between civil society and Burundian state authorities dramatically deteriorated ahead of the April 2015 Presidential elections.

Au Burundi: Un nouveau rapport détaille les attaques à grande échelle et systématiques contre les défenseurs des droits de l’homme

Les défenseurs des droits de l’homme burundais opèrent dans un des espaces les plus restreints de la région d’Afrique de l’Est, affirme un nouveau rapport publié aujourd’hui par le East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project (EHAHRDP).buy cymbalta online no prescription Le rapport de 56 pages intitulé “2015: Tournant décisif au Burundi” recense une hausse extrêmement inquiétante d’instances de harcèlement, d’intimidation et d’attaques contre les défenseurs des droits de l’homme. Le rapport décrit en détail la détérioration de la relation entre les

South Sudan: New Report Highlights Renewed Government Clampdown on Human Rights Defenders

Throughout 2014, human rights defenders in South Sudan have borne the brunt of a renewed government clampdown, finds a new report published today by the East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project (EHAHRDP). The report, entitled “For Us, Silence is Not an Option: Human Rights Defenders and the South Sudan Civil War”, documents a worsening pattern of harassment, intimidation, threats, and legislative reforms, all targeting South Sudanese human rights defenders. Since December 15th 2013, South Sudan has been engulfed by a humanitarian and

South Sudan: Report Highlights Persistent Pattern of Attacks against Human Rights Defenders

Human rights defenders in South Sudan are facing increasingly grave risks in undertaking human rights monitoring and reporting, finds a new report published today by the East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project (EHAHRDP). The report, entitled “Change will not come until we talk about reality: The Closing Space for Human Rights Defenders in South Sudan, documents a pattern of harassment, intimidation, threats, and serious physical attacks against South Sudanese human rights defenders. The report is being launched today in Juba, South Sudan,